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 Maybe a Restore FAQ ??
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Dale Soelter
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Posted - 10/13/2005 :  03:38:25  Show Profile
I have a P2040 which came with XP Home. It's been through a lot, XP Home, 2K, XP Pro. I'd never thought about restoring it to the original configuration, but am considering selling it and would like to offer it as I got it.

Before upgrading (?) the machine initially, I saved what I believe to be the necessary PQI and DISE folders to a separate portable HDD. What I need to do is get the HDD partitioned to the point where the DISE will restore the disk, and then to know exactly which files to copy to a Floppy to get started, and finally, how to progress to the full restore procedure.

Is there someone out there who has muddled through all of this and would be willing to post a full "how to?" There are lots of posts which touch upon the subject, but none I've found that list the files necessary, the required partition sizes and a step by step.

Dale Soelter


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Posted - 10/21/2005 :  10:42:51  Show Profile  Visit oion's Homepage
I agree, the information concerning DISE has been spotty and pretty weird in the past few years. Combining all the threads into a clean FAQ may be a bit difficult due to the variety of paths and problems people have had.

If you upgraded the HDD to a larger capacity, the partitions will be different and the DISE software simply won't work (at least from most people's experience; don't recall if anyone has gotten an exact partition copy to work on a larger hard drive).

Unfortunately I no longer have the DISE floppies myself, nor do I use the DISE software. I've used DI2002 for a long time now, as it is the full version of DISE and is more capable (and doesn't have the funky partition limitations that seem to screw everyone up). More current versions of Ghost (which ate Drive Image, if I'm not mistaken) should be compatible as well. The obvious downside is that you would have to spend some money, but the software is far more robust. The reason most people don't know what's on the boot floppies is because they simply created them via the original DISE software in Windows. There are also several hidden files on the floppies, if I'm not mistaken, so those would need to be copied as well. I don't believe there have been posts about the exact bit size of the original partitions.**

How do you restore the factory configuration?

restoring system to original state

Drive image puzzler...

help with factory restore/formatting problem

How sensitive is the DISE partition?

** I had offered to create and/or host a DISE boot CD on my site for those without floppy drives, but I would still need the necessary DISE files myself; if someone else has already created a DISE boot CD and wouldn't mind it to be hosted, an ISO would work as well. I'm still under the impression that the DISE requirements differ from each P family (1000, 2000, 5000, 7000); given the issue of partition sizes, the fact that each P family offered at least one hard drive option, I wonder how that affects DISE. Hm.

The other obvious and possibly simpler resource is to contact Fujitsu support about your P.
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Posted - 10/22/2005 :  01:00:25  Show Profile
We would be remiss if we didn't give credit to the one LeoG poster who claims to have successfully reproduced the Fujitsu image completely intact and functional. While I did not reply a "Congrats" to his post, I should have. Quite an achievement considering all the milage the topic has here. Here it is: http://www.leog.net/fujp_forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=8715
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Posted - 10/23/2005 :  00:08:21  Show Profile  Visit oion's Homepage
Excellent. I had that thread marked to add but somehow left it out. Whoops.
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Posted - 02/28/2006 :  10:46:48  Show Profile  Visit oion's Homepage
I'll add a postscript to this thread while I can (before it's archived)--
the materials in this thread relate to the P-1k and P-2k series.

Once the above threads are archived, if they're not already, you can search with the subject keywords which I had posted as links. unixguy's thread that NigelS posted is entitled "DISE and Restroring P2120 factory image."

Additional P-1k threads for restoration/migrating, not limited to DISE:

My experience with installing 7k60 drive and XP (P1120)

Help installing XP on P1120 - no cdrom
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21 Posts

Posted - 03/28/2006 :  00:50:56  Show Profile

It's actually easier than that.

1. delete all partitions, DISE will not load on a drive with more than one partition.
2. load any compatible windows operating system (98,2000,xp)
3. install DISE from the drivers/apps cd. During the install, it will create the special backup partition and folder.
4. Copy your Factory.pqi file onto the backup partition.
5. Run DISE and select restore factory image. After it reboots it will say found new device (the restore drive) and wants to reboot again. After the second reboot its just like when new.
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Posted - 03/28/2006 :  17:01:49  Show Profile  Visit oion's Homepage

Originally posted by wuthehek

It's actually easier than that.

1. delete all partitions, DISE will not load on a drive with more than one partition.

This doesn't make much sense when the original DISE software exists on a double-partitioned drive. Also, many users with new HDDs will create data partitions specifically to avoid having to lose that data.


2. load any compatible windows operating system (98,2000,xp)
3. install DISE from the drivers/apps cd. During the install, it will create the special backup partition and folder.
4. Copy your Factory.pqi file onto the backup partition.
5. Run DISE and select restore factory image. After it reboots it will say found new device (the restore drive) and wants to reboot again. After the second reboot its just like when new.

This simplicity only works under a number of assumptions--that the owner has access to another set of OS discs, has a working bootable drive (floppy or CD, the latter being more of a problem for P-1k), the factory PQI still exists, the owner still has the software, and the owner doesn't mind losing any other partition data (if any).

Technically, the easiest way is just to have the on-disk PQI and bootable DISE floppies, boot to those, restore C. But this rarely happens now. The reason for having multiple thread pointers is precisely because not everyone has the exact same situation from which to restore.
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21 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2006 :  18:57:59  Show Profile
Sorry, I was referring to the original post and that person's specific problem on the P2040. After reading the solution that was offered, I thought the way I have done it was easier.
You are, of course, correct that my comments don't fit a universal restore FAQ. I'll try to find the appropriate thread in the future.
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Posted - 06/17/2007 :  21:42:37  Show Profile  Visit oion's Homepage
HOW TO: Network Install of Windows XP on P1k (Already archived.)

How do I install Windows on B series ? (Not archived yet)

Edited by - oion on 06/19/2007 14:39:15
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Posted - 07/05/2007 :  11:01:40  Show Profile  Visit oion's Homepage
(There's not really any other place to put this, and I didn't realize that a sticky of an archived thread isn't going to appear on the live forum. )

Why the Windows XP Recovery Console doesn't work~

Note: Microsoft has since updated the Q308402 page with additional support options, which is nice. In any case, users with old P-2k or P-1k systems may still run into this problem.

Edited by - oion on 07/05/2007 11:18:50
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